Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Art of Life

Yep, that's right ladies and gents. Life is an art. The art of living, it is not a science. There, I'll leave you all to contemplate and try to understand that little puzzle for the rest of the day. Tis true!

At any rate, I suppose before I give the impression that I'm really dead or non-existent, I had better post and at least inform the world (or those interested)at least some of the details so far that has kicked my own little life into an extremely high gear...or perhaps just a different gear entirely? I'm not sure anymore, but I do know that things have definitely majorly changed since I last posted!

Let's see...first it was the call that I got a couple Saturdays ago, when I was away and in hickory for the night to visit some old friends. Apparently calling from my house to my friends' cell, my mother informed me that someone named "Jessica Blocki" from Collegeplus! had just called and offered me an interview. And you can imagine how that went. I frantically made efforts to take the interview, and the following Monday...I was hired! I am officially a Prep Advisor working for Collegeplus! How cool is that?! And right off the bat, I have nearly fifty students under me...God help me. Hopefully I can just make it till the end of November...! That's all I need! I'm just waiting for some clever parent of the student to ask me, "So, how qualified are you to do this job?" Oh I said, God will help me.

So now, I have a job, and a very nice one also! Now that I look back, I roll my eyes at the very fact that I ever was worried that God would provide the way for me to go after college. Of course, I still have considerable plans in the way of Bible teaching, God willing, but now a lot of my worries have been cleared up. Collegeplus! is a good organization, Christian, friendly, and making a difference. I can certainly do well there. Over the past few weeks I've felt my conscience pricking me, saying, "What happened Alex? Did you think that God didn't have your problems well in hand a week ago?" Yep. I deserved that.

Putting aside that fact on the financial side of things...there's more news! As you know well, our church has long been dealing with several issues, such as the need for a new pastor and the general move towards some slight reforms. Our church was founded on one thing: Scriptural, accurate Bible teaching, period. That is great, and indeed that is the best foundation to lay any church on. The Bible, the WHOLE Bible, and nothing BUT the Bible, period. But on top of that, some things are's becoming apparent that my church is in need of a few more leaders in the way of deacons and youth pastors.
...Yep. I applied.
I thank God and praise Him that He has allowed me to be friends with and daily have so many nearby friends who are honestly and fully devoted to God and Christ, spiritually mature, and theologically sound in heart and mind. And together it's become apparent that some of us would like to step up and ask if we could in general serve the church and God in places of music and worship, youth pastoring and ministry. Though I'm not much for 'church programs' (most of you know that), the idea of helping to serve God and man in these small ways is something I would like to do. Pray for me, I ask, that God would reveal to us(random dudes) what steps to take in this road.

On top of that, there's MORE! Feel free to take a coffee break.
With the addition of the job, the church work, and constant studies and online business...we, that is, the random believers in Christ under age 25 in Vale, NC, have decided that we want to ATTEMPT: Film making. Or at least, we're gonna darn well try! Yep, this means Alex is picking up yet another exciting project to flood himself under with! Movie making! Yay! Already equipment has arrived, scripts are being written, and test shooting being made! It IS tons of fun to make a movie! ...Even if there's only like three to six of us, total, on staff.
So ladies and gents, guess what? Anyone got any film editing skills? 3D model designing and integrating abilities, experience with sound building and editing or video graphics? Or, ya know, has some extra props we can rent? LEAVE A COMMENT AND LET ME KNOW! OR, if you want to, you can book the next ticket to Vale NC and be an actor yourself on the big screen, in front of the camera! Join the staff and all that... :P

The only other crazy change I can think of is that I finally got a phone (a very nice Samsung Flight with AT&T, believe it or not! I'm happy!) No, no data. Nope, not an iPhone or a smartphone or any other of those insane PDA things that are overrated. Just a phone. So yeah, this is why I'm not a good geek. :P I just like to call and occasionally text people, period. And maybe take some pics. But whatever, right? Definitely better than no phone at all! Go ahead and text me if you have a random extra minute at 704-530-5111!
Other than that, little else is new. Autumn is coming. The other day I could scent it coming. You guys ever know how you step outside and the wind just smells different, and there's a change in the air? Well, summer is now dying, and autumn's scent is already on the wind...along with the other tell-tale signs like the birds disappearing, the summer storms growing rare, and the mountains in the distance starting to glint red and gold rather than green. God moves the seasons as He loves the seasons and phases of our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
Good things to consider as we live our daily lives, piece by piece and hour by hour.


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