With elections drawing close, and as we live through this period of fast moving, unusual political and social movements, it is interesting to see the human race, and particularly the American people, taking pains to point out their depravity. In the past few years, most especially, the insanity of things has reached a stage that makes our nation and our people not only the laziest people on earth, but the most entertaining. I can only imagine the other nations of the world looking on and laughing.
Yes, be warned: This is a rant.
As the elections come near, everyone starts to once again pay attention to the thing that makes us, as Americans, different and unique, and our greatest national tradition. Every four years, people from one state to the next buzz about various political figures, the media, poll figures, and every kind of social and ethical issue in our world today. We also sit back and watch contenders for the various offices debate over them, and make our judgments accordingly. You know what I mean. We're Americans. This is what we do.
Though recently, in the past couple of years, I recently realized a pattern in all of these movements and political/social events that all seem to push for the same thing.
We all know of the recent Occupy Wall Street movement. In short, the movement was a group of broke college students, bums, and many outright freaks protesting that they were being deprived of goods and wealth because of the corruption of corporations and the government. In other words, they felt these evil, powerful organizations were oppressing themselves and the nation by hoarding wealth for themselves. And more importantly, demanded that they share.
Now, I heard every opinion and side to the issue I think existed, from the most radical supporters to the most disgusted reporters. And it seemed the nation had mixed feelings about it. Some supported it, some shrugged and went on, and some groaned and told them all to get jobs. But mostly, I saw many people condemn the movement, for varying reasons. The people were greedy, spoiled, or perhaps just ungrateful.
Such a movement is simply unbiblical. It demonstrates nothing more than ingratitude, greed, and a poor idea of “rights” they are delusional in believing they have. I am sorry, ladies and gentlemen, but you don't deserve anything but death and Hell. Furthermore, I have my doubts about if these protesters were in the other side's shoes, if they were the rich, powerful CEOs and government officials…would they not do the exact same thing, and hoard the wealth? They've already demonstrated greed well enough.
This post is not just a rant on the ingratitude of these people. Generally, this movement is considered liberal, socialist, and far left on the political scale of conservative estimate. Right? The liberal student crowd, of course.
But I recall something else. Let's look back perhaps two or three years. Anyone remember the Tea Party movement? Somewhere around the last election period, all over the nation the Tea Party movement developed, mostly of angry conservatives, irritated families and also some outright freaks. The movement's bottom line was this: The government must be changed and people's rights must be reinstated, rights such as rights to bear arms, rights to rule the government by the people, and definitely, to protest being taxed so much. Less taxes, more rights, and less government was the core belief of the Tea Party people.
Sound familiar? Exactly.
Brothers and sisters, this reeks of the exact same core mindset that disgusted people with the Occupy movement. Entitlement. Ingratitude. And definitely a major misunderstanding of people's “rights.” In all frankness, the Occupy Wall Street movement, the Tea Party movement, and many other movements in the past recent years all demonstrate this same human, depraved quality of feeling as though we “deserve” something, either from the government, other people, or businesses. Whoever it may be. We're being mistreated, and deserve better. And I notice it usually has a lot to do with money and their lack of it, both for Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street people.
And these, the Tea Party personages, were considered the far right, conservative, radically republican/libertarian people. Interesting how both left and right, politics and society, really center on the same mindsets. We're Americans.
These two come principally to mind, but I can think of other movements too in recent years. The feminist movement. The socialist movement. Various voices in Congress, or every other commercial on television. All of these send the same message: You deserve better. You have rights. You should be free and allowed to do thus and so, whatever it may be.
Excuse me, but a few Scriptures come to mind.
“Do all things without complaining or arguing.” - Philippians 2:14
“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.” -Romans 13:7
“But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, and unholy.” -2nd Timothy 3:1-2 (emphasis added)
I thought that the entire understanding of the Gospel, and of Jesus Christ Himself, was that we deserved nothing? Nothing but Hell and punishment! We are commanded to avoid ingratitude, to respect and love fellow men, and especially those in authority and in government. What part of 'undeserved life and grace' did we decide to disregard?
While I see this as a human problem, throughout the world, it has especially taken root here in America, where we are so concerned with rights and money. Since when did human beings have “rights?” Since when did human beings “deserve” anything? Since when were we entitled to any kind of standard of living? We have so much forgotten that we live by undeserved grace. We do not deserve anything, nor have any rights or claim on any material possessions! Especially material possessions!
The people of this nation, and the world, would do better to stop living and fighting for their rights, and demand what they believe is their just due. Because if we were given our justice, we would all be in Hell tonight. I thank God that we do not, or should not, live by rights. We live by undeserved grace. And that alone.
Therefore, liberal or conservative, right or left, let us stop fighting for our 'rights,' and live by grace. We are not entitled to anything. If the very air we breathe and food we eat is a undeserved gift from God Almighty, then let us rely on His faithfulness and mercy upon us, instead of fighting over 'rights' we do not deserve in the first place.
If the early churches of the New Testament could submit to a hateful, persecuting government that burned Christians alive and threw them into lions' dens, if they could scratch a living off of rock because they were shunned for their faith, could trust in God to provide for them, and rejoice at the opportunity to give away all their goods and wealth to serve their brothers and sisters…surely, SURELY, good brothers and sisters, WE can strive to live by gratitude, peace, and grace.
God bless,
Philippians 4:13
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Tall Tale Of Carlyle
Once in a land of dragons and dames,
a land of much life, and few video games,
there was a kingdom, great and strong,
where humans lived, yes, for good or wrong.
And to the point, in this land of olde
there was a man. The tale is told,
of such a one, a lesser knight
who lived by goodness, wisdom, and might.
He had a castle, he had a dog,
and more oft than not he had a hog
upon his table or in his house
in short, yes reader…a rich, strong man
of great standing among his clan,
all lived richly with him…even his mouse!
However, this knight, indeed lacked one thing
to make his life whole, full of meaning.
Sadly he missed a great part of life,
for to his dismay, he lacked a wife
to make his castle a home.
This good knight, Carlyle by name,
could thus hardly believe his luck
when he heard tell of a lady of fame;
a lady apparently now run amuck
and taken a wrong turn upon the road,
thus finding instead, a dragon’s abode.
You can imagine, good reader, the stress
not to mention her condition of dress
of this poor lady, now captive held
by a beast who did often, iron weld
together the swords of those he quelled.
Carlyle quickly set to his task,
gathering sword and battle mask.
He, bent on freeing a poor lady soul
with dreams and thoughts of wedding bells,
and fame for slaying our Dragon, so cruel.
And so, dear friends, buying ring with care
our man Carlyle set out for the dragon’s lair
with thoughts of gorgeous princess, light and fair
to decorate his castle, and perhaps let it air
only stopping once, to secure the cake
and have it sent home, post-haste
should romance take to air amid dragon blood.
Lo, the arrival of proportions untold!
As Carlyle arrived, confident and bold
knocking upon the door of our dragon’s lair,
to win his prize, a lady fair.
“Come forth, you lout!” He shouted aloud,
and to his mild surprise, a roar within
confirmed his luck: Yes! The dragon, proud
furious and red, to fire akin.
Perhaps a lady’s cry behind the monster’s rage?
A true sound, or merely giddy knight’s mirage?
At any rate, the duel raged
and lo and behold, our man rampaged
with zeal hacking up dragon’s tail
until poor dragon could but flop and flail
and eventually made his powerful foe
an offer: Mercy! He would bestow
the lady upon Carlyle, won just and fair
in exchange for a dragon’s life and wear.
To this, of course, our knight agreed,
(and even returned the dragon’s tail!)
and thus fair lady was hurriedly freed
behold: sometimes the knight does prevail!
Imagine then, our knight’s dismay
when into the dawning light of day
there stepped his princess, fought and claimed:
Though not what was oft beauty named,
a damsel, yes, but hardly lightning
what Disney Kingdom calls not shining;
a homely girl, tall and plain
awkward, with spots, and a tangled mane.
She was no stunning jewel, sadly enough
her face was scarred, her voice was rough
a little limp made her walking tough
her ears so big, she used a muff!
What then did our man Carlyle see?
This awkward, homely, rough girl, he
had come so far to love and free
barely even a princess, she!
At first, the knight did stop and stare
as she stepped out of Dragon’s lair
his first thoughts, unsure, nervous, and blank
until she opened her mouth and spake:
“My deepest thanks, strong knight,” she said,
her eyes melting thanks, her smiling lips red.
“Though truly, you didst but waste you time
coming so far to free a soul like mine.”
The knight felt a pang of shock.
“Why sayest thus?” He asked, afraid.
“Because you came a long, hard way,
to kindly free homely, slow, poor maid.”
She said these words with smile and thanks
her heart flowing with awe and grace
towards her knight, all shining in eyes.
She attempted no enchanting disguise,
and no impressive show or play
for her knight’s love or dismay.
“I am what I am, I’m sorry you came,
to free a homely, foolish dame.
Please forgive the pain I’ve wrought,
I fear I’m not the beauty you sought.”
However, what this girl did not now know,
was that these words struck the killing blow.
It was this grace, and sweet charity,
combined with her honest humility
that completely bought Carlyle’s heart,
Now totally given, and in no part.
Good Carlyle, you see, was also wise
and did not trust in any disguise
of faked beauty, or skin-deep charm,
but instead sought out the very thing
with which his heart she did disarm:
the heart of a daughter of the King.
Carlyle replied with pounding heart:
“Dear lady, your understanding is quite awry
for I see in your eyes the beautiful art
for which thousands of men would fight and die.
Charm is fleeting; skin-beauty fades
but the alluring beauty of grace remains.”
He then further said, “I do not seek
princess proud and selfish, with a streak
of foolish wisdom; but rather still,
give me a sweet and gracious will
of wisdom and meekness: A gentle wife.
For you, sweet girl, I’ll give heart and life.”
With that, of course, her heart was lost
to this wise knight, strong and true.
They married before next winter’s frost
and started a chapter of life anew.
They live still in Carlyle’s court;
joyously happy, full of love,
of the most generous and honest sort
growing in that alluring quality thereof;
an attraction far deeper than eyes can see.
The lesson then? To ladies, take heed:
Seek to build the beauty indeed
that draws true hearts, and wise ones too!
The beauty of grace, wisdom, and true,
sweet kindness and gentility
in service to our God and King.
For this, fair lady, could be such truth!
Think of the time spent on outward face,
if as much time we spend, perfecting youth,
we spent on studying God’s truth and grace.
Truly that is beauty, strong
better than the deepest song
a beauty that remains through years
after suffering, strife and many tears
take away disguise and younger years.
This you should build, a beauty unique
If you want a man of God…for that, they seek.
And to the men: Heed Carlyle’s heart.
For often now our world rips apart,
what true allure and attraction raw
a sweet and gracious heart can draw.
The world’s shallow beauty we often see
sleek, polished bodies, seductive lies
and many an alluring disguise.
And now often forget the beauty, deep
that grows stronger, not weaker, with time.
This, my brothers, let us look past.
a land of much life, and few video games,
there was a kingdom, great and strong,
where humans lived, yes, for good or wrong.
And to the point, in this land of olde
there was a man. The tale is told,
of such a one, a lesser knight
who lived by goodness, wisdom, and might.
He had a castle, he had a dog,
and more oft than not he had a hog
upon his table or in his house
in short, yes reader…a rich, strong man
of great standing among his clan,
all lived richly with him…even his mouse!
However, this knight, indeed lacked one thing
to make his life whole, full of meaning.
Sadly he missed a great part of life,
for to his dismay, he lacked a wife
to make his castle a home.
This good knight, Carlyle by name,
could thus hardly believe his luck
when he heard tell of a lady of fame;
a lady apparently now run amuck
and taken a wrong turn upon the road,
thus finding instead, a dragon’s abode.
You can imagine, good reader, the stress
not to mention her condition of dress
of this poor lady, now captive held
by a beast who did often, iron weld
together the swords of those he quelled.
Carlyle quickly set to his task,
gathering sword and battle mask.
He, bent on freeing a poor lady soul
with dreams and thoughts of wedding bells,
and fame for slaying our Dragon, so cruel.
And so, dear friends, buying ring with care
our man Carlyle set out for the dragon’s lair
with thoughts of gorgeous princess, light and fair
to decorate his castle, and perhaps let it air
only stopping once, to secure the cake
and have it sent home, post-haste
should romance take to air amid dragon blood.
Lo, the arrival of proportions untold!
As Carlyle arrived, confident and bold
knocking upon the door of our dragon’s lair,
to win his prize, a lady fair.
“Come forth, you lout!” He shouted aloud,
and to his mild surprise, a roar within
confirmed his luck: Yes! The dragon, proud
furious and red, to fire akin.
Perhaps a lady’s cry behind the monster’s rage?
A true sound, or merely giddy knight’s mirage?
At any rate, the duel raged
and lo and behold, our man rampaged
with zeal hacking up dragon’s tail
until poor dragon could but flop and flail
and eventually made his powerful foe
an offer: Mercy! He would bestow
the lady upon Carlyle, won just and fair
in exchange for a dragon’s life and wear.
To this, of course, our knight agreed,
(and even returned the dragon’s tail!)
and thus fair lady was hurriedly freed
behold: sometimes the knight does prevail!
Imagine then, our knight’s dismay
when into the dawning light of day
there stepped his princess, fought and claimed:
Though not what was oft beauty named,
a damsel, yes, but hardly lightning
what Disney Kingdom calls not shining;
a homely girl, tall and plain
awkward, with spots, and a tangled mane.
She was no stunning jewel, sadly enough
her face was scarred, her voice was rough
a little limp made her walking tough
her ears so big, she used a muff!
What then did our man Carlyle see?
This awkward, homely, rough girl, he
had come so far to love and free
barely even a princess, she!
At first, the knight did stop and stare
as she stepped out of Dragon’s lair
his first thoughts, unsure, nervous, and blank
until she opened her mouth and spake:
“My deepest thanks, strong knight,” she said,
her eyes melting thanks, her smiling lips red.
“Though truly, you didst but waste you time
coming so far to free a soul like mine.”
The knight felt a pang of shock.
“Why sayest thus?” He asked, afraid.
“Because you came a long, hard way,
to kindly free homely, slow, poor maid.”
She said these words with smile and thanks
her heart flowing with awe and grace
towards her knight, all shining in eyes.
She attempted no enchanting disguise,
and no impressive show or play
for her knight’s love or dismay.
“I am what I am, I’m sorry you came,
to free a homely, foolish dame.
Please forgive the pain I’ve wrought,
I fear I’m not the beauty you sought.”
However, what this girl did not now know,
was that these words struck the killing blow.
It was this grace, and sweet charity,
combined with her honest humility
that completely bought Carlyle’s heart,
Now totally given, and in no part.
Good Carlyle, you see, was also wise
and did not trust in any disguise
of faked beauty, or skin-deep charm,
but instead sought out the very thing
with which his heart she did disarm:
the heart of a daughter of the King.
Carlyle replied with pounding heart:
“Dear lady, your understanding is quite awry
for I see in your eyes the beautiful art
for which thousands of men would fight and die.
Charm is fleeting; skin-beauty fades
but the alluring beauty of grace remains.”
He then further said, “I do not seek
princess proud and selfish, with a streak
of foolish wisdom; but rather still,
give me a sweet and gracious will
of wisdom and meekness: A gentle wife.
For you, sweet girl, I’ll give heart and life.”
With that, of course, her heart was lost
to this wise knight, strong and true.
They married before next winter’s frost
and started a chapter of life anew.
They live still in Carlyle’s court;
joyously happy, full of love,
of the most generous and honest sort
growing in that alluring quality thereof;
an attraction far deeper than eyes can see.
The lesson then? To ladies, take heed:
Seek to build the beauty indeed
that draws true hearts, and wise ones too!
The beauty of grace, wisdom, and true,
sweet kindness and gentility
in service to our God and King.
For this, fair lady, could be such truth!
Think of the time spent on outward face,
if as much time we spend, perfecting youth,
we spent on studying God’s truth and grace.
Truly that is beauty, strong
better than the deepest song
a beauty that remains through years
after suffering, strife and many tears
take away disguise and younger years.
This you should build, a beauty unique
If you want a man of God…for that, they seek.
And to the men: Heed Carlyle’s heart.
For often now our world rips apart,
what true allure and attraction raw
a sweet and gracious heart can draw.
The world’s shallow beauty we often see
sleek, polished bodies, seductive lies
and many an alluring disguise.
And now often forget the beauty, deep
that grows stronger, not weaker, with time.
This, my brothers, let us look past.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A Chance Meeting
As I prepare to go to bed at 1:30 AM in the morning, I felt the urge to blog something (yes, I know, something that hasn't happened in a while), and a particular story that happened recently came to mind. So then, also realizing I haven't yet outlined much of what I did while traveling, I decided to tell you all of my meeting a very impressive young lady.
When my term of work was over and I was to fly back home for about a month to study and take my midterm exams, it was a long, tiring day. Flying from St. Paul to Charlotte was no small flight, and one that required multiple layovers. We were flown from St. Paul to Chicago (Why? Why fly a literal 40 minute flight?), Chicago to D.C., and from D.C. to Charlotte. It was quite a journey, with some 5 total hours of waiting in lines at airports in the meantime. I stood, sat, and finally laid down in the D.C. airport outside our gate while the personnel resolved technical problems and had to reboot their systems to check everyone in...a process that took 30 minutes. Needless to say, as I boarded the small plane heading for Charlotte, I was tired, annoyed, and not in good temper. I was ready to be home.
I was naturally seated at the very back of the airplane, literally the last row, so I somehow managed to scramble aboard first and by a miracle got my bags in. I will never pack them so tightly again. Sitting down, I sighed and laid back, closing my eyes for a minute I remember. I would get home, write a few letters, eat something and immediately go to bed, I decided in my thoughts.
As I opened my eyes, the passenger that would sit next to me scrambled her way back. I raised an eyebrow...she did not look like a typical traveler. As she carefully, almost timidly picked her way back towards the seat next to me, I felt compassion for her...she looked tired, lost, and a little afraid. Maybe a first time flier.
She was wearing a uniform decked out in "USA," dressed in colors of red and blue, and it was indeed an athletic uniform at that. I could tell she was certainly an athlete, given her dress and the tone of her skin. She was used to the sun. A small girl, perhaps a year or two younger than me, blond, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes.
As she jammed her bags into the above compartments and collapsed into the seat next to me, I looked over at her curiously. She immediately leaned forward on the fold-out tray and crossed her arms, laying her head down on them, as if she were going to sleep. I had a moment of fear that she might be about to cry, and I would have to frantically comfort her or render some assistance. But she did not...she wasn't sad or hurt, just tired. Very tired. Every few minutes, as we taxied out onto the runway, she would raise her head, look around almost with a bewildered look, and then rub her eyes as if exhausted. Then occasionally lay her head down again.
This was certainly no typical traveler. After a few minutes, I couldn't help but ask if she was well. There was obviously something wrong.
"...Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked with concern, prepared to get her something if I needed to.
She looked over at me, not surprised. She smiled nervously. "Ah, no, I'm fine! I'm alright, just tired." My look of concern must have not have lessened, because she went on to explain. "I've been flying for about 36 hours straight now, without sleep, so yeah...I'm a little tired." She laughed a little.
My eyes opened very wide I'm sure at that. "Whoa, really?" I replied, very surprised. "36 hours? Where from?"
"From St. Petersburg." She shrugged, as if it were no big deal.
"Oh okay." I said, as if that made total sense. "Wow, long distance visit huh?"
She laughed a little at my attempt at humor. "Yeah something like that." The plane took off finally, and we were in the air. "It was for a contest actually."
"Ah I see...something national?" I looked at the jacket that was covered in "USA" stickers.
"Yeah." She seemed like she was used to explaining this. "Well, I'm a competitor for team USA in the International Biking Race. I'm a pre-Olympics athlete."
I love the Olympics. Honestly I could care less about most sports, but there is something golden and truly epic about seeing the world come together to compete for a global prize, being named the world's fastest man, the world's greatest swimmer, or the world's best fencer. It's a glorious event. So naturally, this was amazing.
"Wow. Really?" I asked, incredulous. "You're on the Olympic team?"
She laughed aloud at that. "No no, not yet. I'm hoping to be for the 2014 Olympics though. We'll see! I'm training for it."
"Seriously? That is awesome!" I was silent for a moment. "And you're...how old?"
"I'm 15."
That blew my mind. Why hadn't I done this?! "No way! Good grief, congrats, that is one serious accomplishment!"
As we got into the conversation, she began to tell me a little about herself. At first I asked if she needed to rest, but she actually refused. "I need to stay awake until my flight ends...you have to get used to the time change thing. Get your body adjusted." That was a braver girl than I was, that's for sure.
She told me the story of her and perhaps two dozen other high school kids, selected athletes from across the nation, who were invited to participate in Olympic training and some minor International races and sports. Apparently her and a chosen two dozen others were trained and heavily, almost military style, disciplined and honed to be top level athletes. On this occasion, the United States had sent them to St. Petersburg to compete with Russia, Germany, Sweden, and France in an international biking race. She told me of their stay in St. Petersburg, staying in the original Olympic Village. About some of the sights and places in the Russian metropolis, even though they were allowed very little free time. She told me a great deal about how her and the USA team was mocked and outright hated by some of the other nations, Russia especially, and how a good deal of anger and prejudice existed under the blanket of what we see on TV about the Olympics. She told me the USA still carried away the most gold and silver medals though. She told me of being looked down on by the very staff of the Village, and how the other national teams spent their nights partying and drinking, while their team (being minors and thus not allowed to drink or take drugs whatsoever anyway) was drilled constantly. It was quite a story.
The flight went quickly, though several times she practically did nap for a few minutes and I was content to watch the sunset of the world from an altitude of 6000 feet, a beautiful sight. As we came into land, she woke again. Poor thing.
"So are you stopping in Charlotte?"
"Well, overnight, yes..." She shrugged. "But I still have to make it to Denver, Colorado, for training next week by tomorrow. I've got about 10 hours to go yet." She laughed a little. Wow. Brave young lady.
"Wow, well...I wish you luck." I replied, and got her stuff from the above compartment. "And...I'll be looking for you in 2014, on screen!"
She smiled. "Alright, I'll see what I can do." As we exited the plane, I shook my head and walked to baggage claim. Now that was quite an impressive young lady. God bless her, I wish her full luck.
One thing she told me that stuck in my mind. "It's great doing what I do...I do and see things that people twice my age never will get the chance to...I got to experience a lot, and see a lot of things..." She paused, "...but it comes at a cost. I have to make sacrifices...and I mean, a lot of sacrifices. School, friends, family, fun...I don't get much of any of it."
I believe it. She is amazing...but I don't envy her. That's a sacrifice I'm not sure I can make, not even for an international gold medal. But I wish her the best of luck. God bless her, and God bless the USA!
I never was much of a patriot, and at a few times in my life I've wondered if anyone should be. But...you know what? This country may not be perfect, it may not even be entirely biblical...and it certainly has many a flaw. But you know what? Given the other options, it's the best we got. I'm not political scientist, or great governmental philosopher...I have wonderful friends who put me to shame in that regard. But, as a simple country boy: People are depraved, and so no perfect system will ever exist this side of the Kingdom of Heaven. But until that day comes, we do the best we can, and frankly, this country has done a good job of that, if you look around us at what other people lack. For goodness sake, parents DIE so that their children may get to America to live! We take so much for granted. I, truly, am incredibly blessed to live in this nation.
Now, mark, I'm not exactly a patriot. I swear allegiance to only one Kingdom, and as this nation turns its face from God, it turns away from it's Christian people, including myself. But even at that, we're too blessed to even fully understand, having only lived here all our lives. There's a lot of blessing and greatness in this land we live in yet, in spite of it's flaws...and I don't think many things are worth dying for. But I would gladly die so that my children can grow up in the same nation I did, with the same blessings, the same undeserved freedoms. I know not if it will be the same in those days, but I do know, I'd die for what we've got now, if my family could live to enjoy it. God bless the USA. God bless America.
Just some thoughts from a simple, foolish farmer boy at 2 in the morning.
When my term of work was over and I was to fly back home for about a month to study and take my midterm exams, it was a long, tiring day. Flying from St. Paul to Charlotte was no small flight, and one that required multiple layovers. We were flown from St. Paul to Chicago (Why? Why fly a literal 40 minute flight?), Chicago to D.C., and from D.C. to Charlotte. It was quite a journey, with some 5 total hours of waiting in lines at airports in the meantime. I stood, sat, and finally laid down in the D.C. airport outside our gate while the personnel resolved technical problems and had to reboot their systems to check everyone in...a process that took 30 minutes. Needless to say, as I boarded the small plane heading for Charlotte, I was tired, annoyed, and not in good temper. I was ready to be home.
I was naturally seated at the very back of the airplane, literally the last row, so I somehow managed to scramble aboard first and by a miracle got my bags in. I will never pack them so tightly again. Sitting down, I sighed and laid back, closing my eyes for a minute I remember. I would get home, write a few letters, eat something and immediately go to bed, I decided in my thoughts.
As I opened my eyes, the passenger that would sit next to me scrambled her way back. I raised an eyebrow...she did not look like a typical traveler. As she carefully, almost timidly picked her way back towards the seat next to me, I felt compassion for her...she looked tired, lost, and a little afraid. Maybe a first time flier.
She was wearing a uniform decked out in "USA," dressed in colors of red and blue, and it was indeed an athletic uniform at that. I could tell she was certainly an athlete, given her dress and the tone of her skin. She was used to the sun. A small girl, perhaps a year or two younger than me, blond, shoulder-length hair and blue eyes.
As she jammed her bags into the above compartments and collapsed into the seat next to me, I looked over at her curiously. She immediately leaned forward on the fold-out tray and crossed her arms, laying her head down on them, as if she were going to sleep. I had a moment of fear that she might be about to cry, and I would have to frantically comfort her or render some assistance. But she did not...she wasn't sad or hurt, just tired. Very tired. Every few minutes, as we taxied out onto the runway, she would raise her head, look around almost with a bewildered look, and then rub her eyes as if exhausted. Then occasionally lay her head down again.
This was certainly no typical traveler. After a few minutes, I couldn't help but ask if she was well. There was obviously something wrong.
"...Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked with concern, prepared to get her something if I needed to.
She looked over at me, not surprised. She smiled nervously. "Ah, no, I'm fine! I'm alright, just tired." My look of concern must have not have lessened, because she went on to explain. "I've been flying for about 36 hours straight now, without sleep, so yeah...I'm a little tired." She laughed a little.
My eyes opened very wide I'm sure at that. "Whoa, really?" I replied, very surprised. "36 hours? Where from?"
"From St. Petersburg." She shrugged, as if it were no big deal.
"Oh okay." I said, as if that made total sense. "Wow, long distance visit huh?"
She laughed a little at my attempt at humor. "Yeah something like that." The plane took off finally, and we were in the air. "It was for a contest actually."
"Ah I see...something national?" I looked at the jacket that was covered in "USA" stickers.
"Yeah." She seemed like she was used to explaining this. "Well, I'm a competitor for team USA in the International Biking Race. I'm a pre-Olympics athlete."
I love the Olympics. Honestly I could care less about most sports, but there is something golden and truly epic about seeing the world come together to compete for a global prize, being named the world's fastest man, the world's greatest swimmer, or the world's best fencer. It's a glorious event. So naturally, this was amazing.
"Wow. Really?" I asked, incredulous. "You're on the Olympic team?"
She laughed aloud at that. "No no, not yet. I'm hoping to be for the 2014 Olympics though. We'll see! I'm training for it."
"Seriously? That is awesome!" I was silent for a moment. "And you're...how old?"
"I'm 15."
That blew my mind. Why hadn't I done this?! "No way! Good grief, congrats, that is one serious accomplishment!"
As we got into the conversation, she began to tell me a little about herself. At first I asked if she needed to rest, but she actually refused. "I need to stay awake until my flight ends...you have to get used to the time change thing. Get your body adjusted." That was a braver girl than I was, that's for sure.
She told me the story of her and perhaps two dozen other high school kids, selected athletes from across the nation, who were invited to participate in Olympic training and some minor International races and sports. Apparently her and a chosen two dozen others were trained and heavily, almost military style, disciplined and honed to be top level athletes. On this occasion, the United States had sent them to St. Petersburg to compete with Russia, Germany, Sweden, and France in an international biking race. She told me of their stay in St. Petersburg, staying in the original Olympic Village. About some of the sights and places in the Russian metropolis, even though they were allowed very little free time. She told me a great deal about how her and the USA team was mocked and outright hated by some of the other nations, Russia especially, and how a good deal of anger and prejudice existed under the blanket of what we see on TV about the Olympics. She told me the USA still carried away the most gold and silver medals though. She told me of being looked down on by the very staff of the Village, and how the other national teams spent their nights partying and drinking, while their team (being minors and thus not allowed to drink or take drugs whatsoever anyway) was drilled constantly. It was quite a story.
The flight went quickly, though several times she practically did nap for a few minutes and I was content to watch the sunset of the world from an altitude of 6000 feet, a beautiful sight. As we came into land, she woke again. Poor thing.
"So are you stopping in Charlotte?"
"Well, overnight, yes..." She shrugged. "But I still have to make it to Denver, Colorado, for training next week by tomorrow. I've got about 10 hours to go yet." She laughed a little. Wow. Brave young lady.
"Wow, well...I wish you luck." I replied, and got her stuff from the above compartment. "And...I'll be looking for you in 2014, on screen!"
She smiled. "Alright, I'll see what I can do." As we exited the plane, I shook my head and walked to baggage claim. Now that was quite an impressive young lady. God bless her, I wish her full luck.
One thing she told me that stuck in my mind. "It's great doing what I do...I do and see things that people twice my age never will get the chance to...I got to experience a lot, and see a lot of things..." She paused, "...but it comes at a cost. I have to make sacrifices...and I mean, a lot of sacrifices. School, friends, family, fun...I don't get much of any of it."
I believe it. She is amazing...but I don't envy her. That's a sacrifice I'm not sure I can make, not even for an international gold medal. But I wish her the best of luck. God bless her, and God bless the USA!
I never was much of a patriot, and at a few times in my life I've wondered if anyone should be. But...you know what? This country may not be perfect, it may not even be entirely biblical...and it certainly has many a flaw. But you know what? Given the other options, it's the best we got. I'm not political scientist, or great governmental philosopher...I have wonderful friends who put me to shame in that regard. But, as a simple country boy: People are depraved, and so no perfect system will ever exist this side of the Kingdom of Heaven. But until that day comes, we do the best we can, and frankly, this country has done a good job of that, if you look around us at what other people lack. For goodness sake, parents DIE so that their children may get to America to live! We take so much for granted. I, truly, am incredibly blessed to live in this nation.
Now, mark, I'm not exactly a patriot. I swear allegiance to only one Kingdom, and as this nation turns its face from God, it turns away from it's Christian people, including myself. But even at that, we're too blessed to even fully understand, having only lived here all our lives. There's a lot of blessing and greatness in this land we live in yet, in spite of it's flaws...and I don't think many things are worth dying for. But I would gladly die so that my children can grow up in the same nation I did, with the same blessings, the same undeserved freedoms. I know not if it will be the same in those days, but I do know, I'd die for what we've got now, if my family could live to enjoy it. God bless the USA. God bless America.
Just some thoughts from a simple, foolish farmer boy at 2 in the morning.
Monday, September 12, 2011
1st Corinthians Overview
Submitted for your personal evaluation and critique! Tell me what you think!
Overview of 1st Corinthians
Main theme: Practical Christian Conduct
First Chapter: Introduction, commands against church divisions, and human perspectives on the Gospel.
Introduction – Paul offers a greeting of grace, blessings, and gives an overall view of God’s overflowing promises.
Commands against Divisions – Paul commands that there be no negative feelings between members of the church who adhere to different pastors/leaders, or have doctrinal differences.
Human Gospel Perspectives – Paul explains that those who have not had their heart/soul opened by the Holy Spirit cannot understand the Gospel. This applies both to Jewish (signs and wonders proof) mindsets, and Greek (Science and Humanism) mindsets.
Note: The conclusion of the chapter is the well known passage concerning Paul’s teaching on how God chooses ‘the base things to shame the mighty, and the foolish to shame the wise,’ etc., explaining the point he will make in the next chapter.
Second Chapter: The simple power of the Gospel, and the revelation through the Holy Spirit to believers in Christ.
Power of the Gospel – Paul capitalizes on the final point of the first chapter, going on to state that the true saving grace, knowledge, and faith that is the Gospel is not found in persuasive argument and high levels of knowledge, but rather is demonstrated by the Holy Spirit with power. This is to say, no human words or wisdom, speech, or great argument, no matter how convincing, will win souls or keep them saved. The Holy Spirit alone is the simple, mighty, immovable power of our faith and it’s Gospel.
Revelation of the Spirit – This being said, Paul simply states that as such, it was not human wisdom that revealed the Gospel to begin with. Not only did man’s natural spirit reject the truth before and after Christ, but now being unconditionally elected, those saved are given the revelations of the Holy Spirit and His teachings. That is, we now have full access to the knowledge of God via the Spirit.
Third Chapter: Returning to Commands against Divisions, Foundation of Christ, and the Pointlessness of Human Wisdom.
Commands Against Divisions - Building on his point from earlier chapters, Paul continues explaining the futility and stupidity of divisions between believing brothers. He rebukes them blatantly by calling them mere babes in Christ, unable to partake of more solid spiritual food because of this handicap. He then goes on to point out though these men of the factions did sow and water, it is God who gives the increase.
Foundation of Christ – From there, Paul explains that the foundation upon which we build all our works is crucial, probably reminding the Corinthians that this foundation of divisions with worthless upon the foundation of Christ. He goes on to state that the works of any believer are tested in fire, and will either stand or fall, according to the spiritual nature, strength, and fruit of those works.
Human Wisdom – With this warning, Paul implies that human wisdom is a major cause of the false, useless works, by concluding to inform us to shun human wisdom, become foolish and humble before God, and to put aside petty human philosophies and reasoning, and surrender to the wisdom of God, which far surpasses our own wisdom. Often, this wisdom of God appears as foolishness before men, and thus, Paul states the importance of being humbled, foolish, and knowing nothing before the infinitely wise Lord.
Note: Paul closes this chapter with an excellent final point in conclusion to his commentary on foundations, divisions, and believers’ works, by stating with authority that all things, believers, Paul, Apollos, Peter (Cephas), even Christ, belongs to God finally. Therefore, let us focus on our unity in our Lord, since in fact, regardless of differences, knowledge and works, we all belong to Him.
Fourth Chapter: Judgment of Believers Being God’s, The Apostolic Example, and the Power of the Gospel.
Judgment Being God’s – Paul rebukes those within the church who would judge and condemn internal believers and different sects or beliefs, reminding them all that the judgment of God’s servants rests solely upon God, and not on us. This is to be distinguished from false teachers, which are not God’s servants, however. But outside of heresy, believers do not have the right to judge other believers.
The Apostolic Example – That being said, Paul then goes on to admonish the believers of Corinth to follow in his superior example, and imitate the apostle in all his actions and beliefs. Being the theological and divine authority as one who speaks for God, Paul and the apostles have full power and authority on earth to proclaim God’s true message. That being said, Paul asks us to imitate His godly example. See Acts and Romans in particular for examples of Paul’s lifestyle and actions.
Power of the Gospel – Paul closes out this section by once again returning to his points earlier on the Gospel, namely, that the true power of the Gospel is not in human wisdom and persuasion, nor in fame or physical achievement, but rather through the sheer power of the Holy Spirit working both in believers, and outworking in the actions of those believers. Also particularly through the apostles. Paul concludes that God is demonstrated through the power given by the Holy Spirit, in miracles, ministry, example and sanctification, not in human words, actions, or wisdom.
Note: Interestingly for the context, Paul is saying these things mostly because he plans to revisit the church at Corinth, and many of those believers have apparently become arrogant, thinking Paul’s return will be delayed. However, Paul warns them that they will be rebuked heavily, and challenged by Paul’s overall authority as an apostle.
Overview of 1st Corinthians
Main theme: Practical Christian Conduct
First Chapter: Introduction, commands against church divisions, and human perspectives on the Gospel.
Introduction – Paul offers a greeting of grace, blessings, and gives an overall view of God’s overflowing promises.
Commands against Divisions – Paul commands that there be no negative feelings between members of the church who adhere to different pastors/leaders, or have doctrinal differences.
Human Gospel Perspectives – Paul explains that those who have not had their heart/soul opened by the Holy Spirit cannot understand the Gospel. This applies both to Jewish (signs and wonders proof) mindsets, and Greek (Science and Humanism) mindsets.
Note: The conclusion of the chapter is the well known passage concerning Paul’s teaching on how God chooses ‘the base things to shame the mighty, and the foolish to shame the wise,’ etc., explaining the point he will make in the next chapter.
Second Chapter: The simple power of the Gospel, and the revelation through the Holy Spirit to believers in Christ.
Power of the Gospel – Paul capitalizes on the final point of the first chapter, going on to state that the true saving grace, knowledge, and faith that is the Gospel is not found in persuasive argument and high levels of knowledge, but rather is demonstrated by the Holy Spirit with power. This is to say, no human words or wisdom, speech, or great argument, no matter how convincing, will win souls or keep them saved. The Holy Spirit alone is the simple, mighty, immovable power of our faith and it’s Gospel.
Revelation of the Spirit – This being said, Paul simply states that as such, it was not human wisdom that revealed the Gospel to begin with. Not only did man’s natural spirit reject the truth before and after Christ, but now being unconditionally elected, those saved are given the revelations of the Holy Spirit and His teachings. That is, we now have full access to the knowledge of God via the Spirit.
Third Chapter: Returning to Commands against Divisions, Foundation of Christ, and the Pointlessness of Human Wisdom.
Commands Against Divisions - Building on his point from earlier chapters, Paul continues explaining the futility and stupidity of divisions between believing brothers. He rebukes them blatantly by calling them mere babes in Christ, unable to partake of more solid spiritual food because of this handicap. He then goes on to point out though these men of the factions did sow and water, it is God who gives the increase.
Foundation of Christ – From there, Paul explains that the foundation upon which we build all our works is crucial, probably reminding the Corinthians that this foundation of divisions with worthless upon the foundation of Christ. He goes on to state that the works of any believer are tested in fire, and will either stand or fall, according to the spiritual nature, strength, and fruit of those works.
Human Wisdom – With this warning, Paul implies that human wisdom is a major cause of the false, useless works, by concluding to inform us to shun human wisdom, become foolish and humble before God, and to put aside petty human philosophies and reasoning, and surrender to the wisdom of God, which far surpasses our own wisdom. Often, this wisdom of God appears as foolishness before men, and thus, Paul states the importance of being humbled, foolish, and knowing nothing before the infinitely wise Lord.
Note: Paul closes this chapter with an excellent final point in conclusion to his commentary on foundations, divisions, and believers’ works, by stating with authority that all things, believers, Paul, Apollos, Peter (Cephas), even Christ, belongs to God finally. Therefore, let us focus on our unity in our Lord, since in fact, regardless of differences, knowledge and works, we all belong to Him.
Fourth Chapter: Judgment of Believers Being God’s, The Apostolic Example, and the Power of the Gospel.
Judgment Being God’s – Paul rebukes those within the church who would judge and condemn internal believers and different sects or beliefs, reminding them all that the judgment of God’s servants rests solely upon God, and not on us. This is to be distinguished from false teachers, which are not God’s servants, however. But outside of heresy, believers do not have the right to judge other believers.
The Apostolic Example – That being said, Paul then goes on to admonish the believers of Corinth to follow in his superior example, and imitate the apostle in all his actions and beliefs. Being the theological and divine authority as one who speaks for God, Paul and the apostles have full power and authority on earth to proclaim God’s true message. That being said, Paul asks us to imitate His godly example. See Acts and Romans in particular for examples of Paul’s lifestyle and actions.
Power of the Gospel – Paul closes out this section by once again returning to his points earlier on the Gospel, namely, that the true power of the Gospel is not in human wisdom and persuasion, nor in fame or physical achievement, but rather through the sheer power of the Holy Spirit working both in believers, and outworking in the actions of those believers. Also particularly through the apostles. Paul concludes that God is demonstrated through the power given by the Holy Spirit, in miracles, ministry, example and sanctification, not in human words, actions, or wisdom.
Note: Interestingly for the context, Paul is saying these things mostly because he plans to revisit the church at Corinth, and many of those believers have apparently become arrogant, thinking Paul’s return will be delayed. However, Paul warns them that they will be rebuked heavily, and challenged by Paul’s overall authority as an apostle.
New Testament,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
One Word: Whirlyball
Let me be the first to say, there was absolutely nothing in Detroit. And I do mean, just about nothing. Nothing to see, nothing to do, not even many people to do or see it with. The very streets of downtown are all but abandoned, buildings run down, the riverfront mostly covered. My stay in Detroit had very little interest and excitement, that is for certain.
With the sole exception on one thing: Whirlyball. We found. We came. We conquered. And..I kid you not, this sport does exist! We had a night of this, and I officially decided what my new favorite sport is. I don't want to know what madman came up with this idea...but I can tell you it is more fun than anything else I've played. Check this out!
...We are so totally setting this up in Charlotte.
With the sole exception on one thing: Whirlyball. We found. We came. We conquered. And..I kid you not, this sport does exist! We had a night of this, and I officially decided what my new favorite sport is. I don't want to know what madman came up with this idea...but I can tell you it is more fun than anything else I've played. Check this out!
...We are so totally setting this up in Charlotte.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Blue Collar Town
On the few days we were allowed to enter into downtown Chicago and see the sights, tastes the foods, and smell the smells, we got more than our share. Wow. Not for Chicago, but for the experience of where I am, the people I'm with, and what I've learned of late. It's too much for one blog post, from unknown family history, family I never knew about, to experiencing the higher cities as a country grown boy. God is using the time to sharpen me...I can feel it.
The people I work with are mostly family. Ach...an entire post could be done on my uncle, one of the most unusual men I have met. Interestingly, those he has hired are mostly all my own cousins...he is quite an idealist, wanting to keep the business strictly family owned and managed. I don't think he has hired anyone except distant family and random connections. It certainly makes for an interesting family view! I might try to describe them all in detail later, and how my mission in bringing them closer to Christ progresses. Suffice to say for now...there's opposition. God will have to work heavily. Please pray for that.
But enough of that. Those interesting stories...might come later. Of Chicago, the best I ever saw was not the Sears (actually Willis now!) Tower, or Navy Pier, or...the random giant iron marble in the middle of downtown. It wasn't the absolutely (AMAZING!) deep dish pizza pie we had. I felt again like Link walking into Castletown for the first time, a country boy seeing what small, stately cities wretched humanity could contrive.
The best part of it all...was as we left, we rode the L Train out, headed north from Union Station, on a fairly cloudy night, just as the fog was setting in. It was later, perhaps eleven on a Tuesday night. Streets were almost deserted, except for the trains occasionally rolling above the streets. This was the most magical part of Chicago that I saw...gazing out into the dim, misty streets, lit by rows of lantern posts. We went slowly. Once in a while a shadowed person below would walk down the misty, quiet streets as we flew by. We went over the river, it was glittering with the street lights, flashing and black in its canal. It...was a very noir, romantic, quieting thing to experience. It looked like a scene from a film noir, the streets a private eye would walk. Or a quiet couple might walk beside the river under the lanterns, in the wind, right in the midst of the darkened city. That is what I shall remember of Chicago, for the time being.
The people I work with are mostly family. Ach...an entire post could be done on my uncle, one of the most unusual men I have met. Interestingly, those he has hired are mostly all my own cousins...he is quite an idealist, wanting to keep the business strictly family owned and managed. I don't think he has hired anyone except distant family and random connections. It certainly makes for an interesting family view! I might try to describe them all in detail later, and how my mission in bringing them closer to Christ progresses. Suffice to say for now...there's opposition. God will have to work heavily. Please pray for that.
But enough of that. Those interesting stories...might come later. Of Chicago, the best I ever saw was not the Sears (actually Willis now!) Tower, or Navy Pier, or...the random giant iron marble in the middle of downtown. It wasn't the absolutely (AMAZING!) deep dish pizza pie we had. I felt again like Link walking into Castletown for the first time, a country boy seeing what small, stately cities wretched humanity could contrive.
The best part of it all...was as we left, we rode the L Train out, headed north from Union Station, on a fairly cloudy night, just as the fog was setting in. It was later, perhaps eleven on a Tuesday night. Streets were almost deserted, except for the trains occasionally rolling above the streets. This was the most magical part of Chicago that I saw...gazing out into the dim, misty streets, lit by rows of lantern posts. We went slowly. Once in a while a shadowed person below would walk down the misty, quiet streets as we flew by. We went over the river, it was glittering with the street lights, flashing and black in its canal. It...was a very noir, romantic, quieting thing to experience. It looked like a scene from a film noir, the streets a private eye would walk. Or a quiet couple might walk beside the river under the lanterns, in the wind, right in the midst of the darkened city. That is what I shall remember of Chicago, for the time being.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
What It Is To Be A Knight
Being a true, chivalrous knight of old means the highest of callings. It is truly the greatest rank of good men, the strongest warriors, and the level to which we should aspire. The strongest of places and the place of heroes, the kind of men who are the light and salt of the world, the lights in the darkness, and the unwavering flames that point the direction in which wretched humanity should go. And as such, it requires the highest commitment, the greatest level of discipline, and the immeasurable grace of God.
It means being humble and wise, lowly of heart and willing to learn. Those who will not learn will not survive, and those without humility are the proud whom God opposes. It means being open to knowledge, wisdom, and the willingness, even the passion, to learn and discover the truth.
It means learning when and how to use the sword, when it is necessary. It means knowing the meaning of what it is to maim, and if necessary, kill a human being like yourself. It means realizing the importance of human life. Killing and fighting to protect the innocent. To defend the weak. To safeguard and at all costs, shield the women and children. And, on rare occasion and God willing, to dispense justice and God’s own wrath on evil.
It means never, ever harming or endangering a woman or lady, and most especially, the daughters of the Most High King. It means holding a lady in the highest respect and honor, treating her with all purity and selflessness, whether she deserve it or no. It means never touching a woman for selfish gain, or using biting words or actions against her. It means defending and protecting the weaker, more beautiful vessel of humanity. It means dying in her defense and considering that death a privilege indeed.
It means defending the truth, and shining alight for the dying world to see, and leading by example, by faith, by word and by deed. It means knowing the truth, finding and searching for the truth, and then faithfully committing to the truth. It means being wise enough to discern lies from truth, reading the Scriptures, examining yourself, and having no bias or flawed opinion. It means constantly studying for the Truth, and constantly standing by it unwaveringly.
It means being completely fearless in the face of the enemy. No matter how great the numbers or the strength of your adversary, fighting and standing without fear or waver against the tide. No matter the greatest challenge posed, or the most heavy burden placed upon you, it means standing steadfast in any fight, any challenge, or any trial, and never surrendering. It means fearing none but God alone. And as such, it means fighting, hurting, agonizing, and if God wills, dying without complaint or a word. It means standing fearlessly in the face of human opinion, or physical harm, or mockers and the hatred of the world. It means being selfless.
It means fearlessly standing by the truth. Defending the weak and innocent. Protecting the children, and honoring the lady with the highest standard. It means seeking the truth and standing by it, dying without a word in its defense when occasion arises.
But above all these things, it means being a dedicated, unmoving, humble servant of the Almighty God and Jesus Christ. It means committing heart, sword, mind, and soul to His service, His glory, and His Only Son. It means being a bright flame for all to see these things. It means following Him no matter the cost. In the face of loss of love and friends, of human respect and charity, the loss of home and material gain, comfort, and great trial and pain, it means giving Him everything. And, in the end, dying for His glory, by sword, sickness, or slow age. It means complete sacrifice, total commitment to these things.
So then, when all these things take place, it means being an example to all around you, serving and loving God and fellow man, standing out bravely, strongly, and passionately.
So then, the truest, greatest victory and purpose of a knight is when men look at him, in life or death, they say, ‘This was a man who changed and inspired the people around him.’ This, I believe, is what it us to be a knight and prince of the King, a son of the Most High God.
It means being humble and wise, lowly of heart and willing to learn. Those who will not learn will not survive, and those without humility are the proud whom God opposes. It means being open to knowledge, wisdom, and the willingness, even the passion, to learn and discover the truth.
It means learning when and how to use the sword, when it is necessary. It means knowing the meaning of what it is to maim, and if necessary, kill a human being like yourself. It means realizing the importance of human life. Killing and fighting to protect the innocent. To defend the weak. To safeguard and at all costs, shield the women and children. And, on rare occasion and God willing, to dispense justice and God’s own wrath on evil.
It means never, ever harming or endangering a woman or lady, and most especially, the daughters of the Most High King. It means holding a lady in the highest respect and honor, treating her with all purity and selflessness, whether she deserve it or no. It means never touching a woman for selfish gain, or using biting words or actions against her. It means defending and protecting the weaker, more beautiful vessel of humanity. It means dying in her defense and considering that death a privilege indeed.
It means defending the truth, and shining alight for the dying world to see, and leading by example, by faith, by word and by deed. It means knowing the truth, finding and searching for the truth, and then faithfully committing to the truth. It means being wise enough to discern lies from truth, reading the Scriptures, examining yourself, and having no bias or flawed opinion. It means constantly studying for the Truth, and constantly standing by it unwaveringly.
It means being completely fearless in the face of the enemy. No matter how great the numbers or the strength of your adversary, fighting and standing without fear or waver against the tide. No matter the greatest challenge posed, or the most heavy burden placed upon you, it means standing steadfast in any fight, any challenge, or any trial, and never surrendering. It means fearing none but God alone. And as such, it means fighting, hurting, agonizing, and if God wills, dying without complaint or a word. It means standing fearlessly in the face of human opinion, or physical harm, or mockers and the hatred of the world. It means being selfless.
It means fearlessly standing by the truth. Defending the weak and innocent. Protecting the children, and honoring the lady with the highest standard. It means seeking the truth and standing by it, dying without a word in its defense when occasion arises.
But above all these things, it means being a dedicated, unmoving, humble servant of the Almighty God and Jesus Christ. It means committing heart, sword, mind, and soul to His service, His glory, and His Only Son. It means being a bright flame for all to see these things. It means following Him no matter the cost. In the face of loss of love and friends, of human respect and charity, the loss of home and material gain, comfort, and great trial and pain, it means giving Him everything. And, in the end, dying for His glory, by sword, sickness, or slow age. It means complete sacrifice, total commitment to these things.
So then, when all these things take place, it means being an example to all around you, serving and loving God and fellow man, standing out bravely, strongly, and passionately.
So then, the truest, greatest victory and purpose of a knight is when men look at him, in life or death, they say, ‘This was a man who changed and inspired the people around him.’ This, I believe, is what it us to be a knight and prince of the King, a son of the Most High God.

Monday, August 1, 2011
The Bends In The Road
Well, ladies and gents, it seems that life is about to take a major change! I suppose it has been some time since I updated on my life again, and seeing as some very interesting, unusual, and actually important events might be happening soon, it would definitely be a wise idea to inform you guys what exactly is going on. Also, it will save me the time of explaining it multiple times, because…well to be blunt, this is hard to explain.
To begin with, I know I mentioned before that I am no longer working for CollegePlus!, and God has definitely made it clear He did not want me pursuing that path at the moment. As I began looking for a new job, God, in His wonderful, mysterious way, opened up the door I am going through now. I may be gone for a while.
We shall see, I suppose. I’m going to be leaving, at least, leaving North Carolina and the opportunities here to take up a traveling job and work in areas from Chicago to San Diego. My uncle recently offered me the best offer I got while job searching, hands down, and allowed me to go to work as soon as I could possibly arrive, all good signs. He, Tom, owns a small contracting/supervising company that is often contracted out by various cities, states, and occasionally organizations, to set up either temporary locations or events, even sometimes building projects. I’m looking very much forward to it. We would be traveling to varying cities and areas to set up rallies, build temporary or complete projects, and occasionally supervise city events. It should be interesting, at least!
I’m not sure how long I will be gone…perhaps till Thanksgiving, perhaps later. It really depends on when and where I want to take breaks and return and if I care to work long there. I definitely need to work at least through this year…though I doubt it will be a long term job. Either way, it will be good experience, a good opportunity to learn and witness, and I hope I will be used for God’s glory here. Regardless, nothing else has come up, so it looks as though I have no choice! God’s will be done. I will fly out to Chicago tomorrow, and from there work where I’m sent.
Well, with that brief update, I must run! I hope to posting here much more in the near future, God willing. Perhaps some pictures will go up soon! There is much to do. In the meantime, pray for me. Thank you.
Phil. 4:13
To begin with, I know I mentioned before that I am no longer working for CollegePlus!, and God has definitely made it clear He did not want me pursuing that path at the moment. As I began looking for a new job, God, in His wonderful, mysterious way, opened up the door I am going through now. I may be gone for a while.
We shall see, I suppose. I’m going to be leaving, at least, leaving North Carolina and the opportunities here to take up a traveling job and work in areas from Chicago to San Diego. My uncle recently offered me the best offer I got while job searching, hands down, and allowed me to go to work as soon as I could possibly arrive, all good signs. He, Tom, owns a small contracting/supervising company that is often contracted out by various cities, states, and occasionally organizations, to set up either temporary locations or events, even sometimes building projects. I’m looking very much forward to it. We would be traveling to varying cities and areas to set up rallies, build temporary or complete projects, and occasionally supervise city events. It should be interesting, at least!
I’m not sure how long I will be gone…perhaps till Thanksgiving, perhaps later. It really depends on when and where I want to take breaks and return and if I care to work long there. I definitely need to work at least through this year…though I doubt it will be a long term job. Either way, it will be good experience, a good opportunity to learn and witness, and I hope I will be used for God’s glory here. Regardless, nothing else has come up, so it looks as though I have no choice! God’s will be done. I will fly out to Chicago tomorrow, and from there work where I’m sent.
Well, with that brief update, I must run! I hope to posting here much more in the near future, God willing. Perhaps some pictures will go up soon! There is much to do. In the meantime, pray for me. Thank you.
Phil. 4:13
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Whitened Knight
Since life’s first cry, at struggling dawn,
we live and serve our idol, Self;
to he we pay all sacrifice, damned,
until God, with wrath, doth kill our wealth.
Tis true; to start, I’m raised in good,
taught with justice, love, and all that should
define a knight, strong and true
white and shining, like dawn anew.
But He in mercy, lest we forget
still shows us black, burning, stinging debt.
Lest we forget, oh so white and pure,
the damned estate from whence we came;
under the white and shining armor, lo
the monster lives to kill and maim
our best attempts at love and strength
with hatred, selfish pride, and all
that wretched, cringing, pit of shame.
I was a knight; so white! So great!
What then? A lover’s painful cry?
Why then we hear these cries of hate,
curses from those for whom I’d die,
and not uncalled, all just and true
to curse the knight so white and great.
The irony, a blackened heart
still yet lives beneath white plate,
of this knight’s wretched lie.
As it was said, ‘loved honor more;’
but sadly realized all too late,
the value of that trusted state,
‘loved honor more;’ yet all too late.
No white knight there was, you see,
merely illusion of an enemy,
to hurt poor maiden, and puff the heart
of a foolish boy, struck by Hell’s black dart.
So then, my warning: Beware the knight,
he they hold up championed strong.
For he too is but weakling man
fully capable of blackest wrong,
a monster, but for grace from Him,
who saves such creatures black as them,
from Hell’s alluring song.
Now White Knight’s cloak is grey,
not black, for God forgives
but now, as at first, I serve but One
and not a mistress, or myself,
for fear of blackening once again.
I will serve Him, not white, but grey.
Since white was never mine to stay,
and thus my lesson, cruelly learned:
White is a cover, not a stain.
The stain is black, and will remain
until the final dues are paid,
within my body’s grave.
we live and serve our idol, Self;
to he we pay all sacrifice, damned,
until God, with wrath, doth kill our wealth.
Tis true; to start, I’m raised in good,
taught with justice, love, and all that should
define a knight, strong and true
white and shining, like dawn anew.
But He in mercy, lest we forget
still shows us black, burning, stinging debt.
Lest we forget, oh so white and pure,
the damned estate from whence we came;
under the white and shining armor, lo
the monster lives to kill and maim
our best attempts at love and strength
with hatred, selfish pride, and all
that wretched, cringing, pit of shame.
I was a knight; so white! So great!
What then? A lover’s painful cry?
Why then we hear these cries of hate,
curses from those for whom I’d die,
and not uncalled, all just and true
to curse the knight so white and great.
The irony, a blackened heart
still yet lives beneath white plate,
of this knight’s wretched lie.
As it was said, ‘loved honor more;’
but sadly realized all too late,
the value of that trusted state,
‘loved honor more;’ yet all too late.
No white knight there was, you see,
merely illusion of an enemy,
to hurt poor maiden, and puff the heart
of a foolish boy, struck by Hell’s black dart.
So then, my warning: Beware the knight,
he they hold up championed strong.
For he too is but weakling man
fully capable of blackest wrong,
a monster, but for grace from Him,
who saves such creatures black as them,
from Hell’s alluring song.
Now White Knight’s cloak is grey,
not black, for God forgives
but now, as at first, I serve but One
and not a mistress, or myself,
for fear of blackening once again.
I will serve Him, not white, but grey.
Since white was never mine to stay,
and thus my lesson, cruelly learned:
White is a cover, not a stain.
The stain is black, and will remain
until the final dues are paid,
within my body’s grave.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A Very Quick Update
Hello all,
Ugh, it's been far too long...I fail in general at keeping a blog, it seems. This certainly needs to be more kept up than it is! A very good deal has happened recently, far too much for one post, but I shall try to state as much as I can in the meantime. Life has taken on a distinctly new outlook of late.
Let's see...so much has happened. To begin with, some weeks ago, I resigned from working at CollegePlus! as a Prep Advisor/Accountability Mentor. Essentially, my job of tutoring younger students in areas like Christian Worldviews, Logic, and CLEP studies was about to change...in fact, the entire department changed dramatically into a field that...to be blunt, I was not good at. And I'm afraid my expenses were starting to outweigh my compensation. In short, yes, I applied for coaching, but nothing came of it.
Ach, let's see...after that, obviously I went job searching, and was surprised at what opportunities I had...recently, I feel God has been making it more and more clear that I am gifted to go into the media field...naturally, look at my degree. :P
...I would love nothing more than to write films, or books, or even be a journalist. That is what I'm feeling now. Proclaiming the Word of God, spreading His truth and furthering His kingdom through, ach, any type of media, video, audio, speeches or writing...all of that is where I want to go. I'm going to try my hand at creating an online news hub for church issues...we'll see what happens.
And yep, you guessed it, my shameless plug below! Me and a few buddies put together this site (or rather, re-vamped it from the trash heap for those of you who have seen it before), and I'm hoping it will turn into a news/theological articles place. Check it out and let me know what you think! I'm dead serious about this one. :D
At any rate, between that, novel creating, and trying to be a one-man film crew (deal with it, it's all I've got!), I've just been job searching. Ach, if I get the chance, I'll post up a couple of the places I could go later.
....Man, after writing this, I also have to say...that was the biggest load of 'me, my, I, myself, and me' that I've written in a long time. Garbage. :P For those of you who read through Alex's Talk About Himself moment, congrats, you're pretty brave! :D
Ugh, it's been far too long...I fail in general at keeping a blog, it seems. This certainly needs to be more kept up than it is! A very good deal has happened recently, far too much for one post, but I shall try to state as much as I can in the meantime. Life has taken on a distinctly new outlook of late.
Let's see...so much has happened. To begin with, some weeks ago, I resigned from working at CollegePlus! as a Prep Advisor/Accountability Mentor. Essentially, my job of tutoring younger students in areas like Christian Worldviews, Logic, and CLEP studies was about to change...in fact, the entire department changed dramatically into a field that...to be blunt, I was not good at. And I'm afraid my expenses were starting to outweigh my compensation. In short, yes, I applied for coaching, but nothing came of it.
Ach, let's see...after that, obviously I went job searching, and was surprised at what opportunities I had...recently, I feel God has been making it more and more clear that I am gifted to go into the media field...naturally, look at my degree. :P
...I would love nothing more than to write films, or books, or even be a journalist. That is what I'm feeling now. Proclaiming the Word of God, spreading His truth and furthering His kingdom through, ach, any type of media, video, audio, speeches or writing...all of that is where I want to go. I'm going to try my hand at creating an online news hub for church issues...we'll see what happens.
And yep, you guessed it, my shameless plug below! Me and a few buddies put together this site (or rather, re-vamped it from the trash heap for those of you who have seen it before), and I'm hoping it will turn into a news/theological articles place. Check it out and let me know what you think! I'm dead serious about this one. :D
At any rate, between that, novel creating, and trying to be a one-man film crew (deal with it, it's all I've got!), I've just been job searching. Ach, if I get the chance, I'll post up a couple of the places I could go later.
....Man, after writing this, I also have to say...that was the biggest load of 'me, my, I, myself, and me' that I've written in a long time. Garbage. :P For those of you who read through Alex's Talk About Himself moment, congrats, you're pretty brave! :D
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thoughts On Christian Giving: Tithing Misconceptions
Thoughts on Christian Giving: Tithing Misconceptions
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” -2nd Corinthians 9:15
I don’t suppose you can recall the last time that you gave to your church? Last Sunday, perhaps? Or perhaps give some money to a local, regional, or national mission? But even more importantly: When was the last time you spent some of your valuable time or money on a brother or sister in Christ that was in need? When was the last time you helped the orphans and widows?
The importance of Christian giving canot be overstated. All throughout the Scriptures, we are not only encouraged, but required to give and with a cheerful heart! Christian giving, be it with your material wealth, or with your time, effort and resources, is a vital part not only of the Christian life, but it is what makes the church unique in many aspects. Since our church is built on the truth that Christ’s blood is a free gift to us, how much more should we then be willing to give to others, and meet the needs of those around us?
Giving and sacrificing time, wealth, and effort for the sake of the church is found everywhere in the New Testament. For example, read James 1:27:
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God and Father is this: to help widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Here James is informing us of the sheer importance of living out our faith and grace by taking action, and by doing good. “Faith without works is dead,” and this is certainly true in the area of how we dedicate our resources to the Lord. Here James is saying specifically that an aspect of real, true faithful service before God is aiding those who cannot freely provide for themselves, the widows and orphans. Also he mentions the importance of keeping from worldliness. This is no encouragement, my friends; this is a pretty blunt and direct statement about the truth of our faith!
Another aspect of Christian care for one another is the known story that Christ Himself says, in Matthew 5:41-42:
“Whoever forces you to go with him one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.”
Christ Himself commands us that we are required to give time, service, and resources to those who ask of us! Now, this is important, Christ does not mean to just give to absolutely anyone who asks of you: This is in the context of a legitimate need. However, if we find someone who has a real need and asks for help, we are not just encouraged, but commanded by Christ to fulfill and provide for the needs (note again, the needs, not the wants) of those who ask for help!
However, that being said, there are some common misconceptions and misunderstandings about exactly what the Bible speaks of in the way of tithing, giving, and sacrificing resoures and/or time to the Lord or the church. This is mainly the subject here: I’m certainly sure that most of you have run into several problems with this today in our modern, contemporary church. Taking these Scriptures and other similar doctrines, many churches today preach messages on the importance of giving to the church, the rewards that God returns to us when we give freely to God’s work, or even claiming that God rewards those who follow Him with wealth and generosity.
Frankly put, most of these are lies.
Here are some examples of messages in which certain false teachers of our day use these Christian principles to ask for money, or resources on behalf of God, who use it for themselves. Also, some underlying lies regarding their doctrine are apparent:
(insert videos here)
What then is the problem with the teaching of these individuals? Are they not preaching to some extent, the truths of Scripture and Christian love and giving? Are they not encouraging one of the fundamental aspects of Christianity?
Absolutely not.
Here is a common misconception about Christian giving: That if you give material wealth to God (putting aside whether or not this wealth is really going to God’s work or not), He is required and has promised in Scripture to give even more back to you. This is an outright lie. Some of the passages that these teachers use in order to promote the mass giving of money to a church-based organization are:
Luke 6:38:
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
This, or similar passages in Christ’s words, are usually the passages mentioned, Scriptures about how when you give, God will give back to you. However, what’s missing is the context. Let’s read the entire passage in context:
“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to the ungrateful and evil. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged, and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Pardon, and you will be pardoned. Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” -Luke 6:35-38
Note here the context: Is money mentioned as the type of giving here? Perhaps, in verse 35, but even then note it says ‘and expect nothing in return.’ Furthermore, the context indicates the discussion of forgiveness, not material wealth! Even where material wealth is mentioned, we are asked to expect nothing in return. This is merely one example of abused passages which some people claim point to God’s promise to reward those who give in terms of wealth. Make no mistake, nowhere does God promise wealth to anyone, under any circumstances. Search and find out for yourself. If anything, Scripture condemns the wealthy, and looks down upon the desire for material things (1st Timothy 6:10, 1st John 2:16, James 5:1-3).
Now, naturally you ask: “So are you claiming then that it is wrong to seek money/wealth?” By no means, absoulutely not. Honest gain and accumulating for yourself (as long as it is honest) is certainly no sin. Merely, when the desire for money overrides the desire to do God’s will, or to use God as a means for money, then it becomes evil. Thus, the passage of 1st Timothy. However…this is an entirely different discussion in itself.
That being said, then, you ask, “Very well then…so we should give without expecting any in return? Is that the point you’re trying to make Alex?” Well to an extent yes, but I believe that also, in today’s chuch, the method that we use to ‘give to God’ is also not quite what Paul meant when he asked us to give with cheerful hearts, or what was meant when the Old Testament fathers set aside a tenth of their gain to the Lord.
And here is what I mean: Today, when you tithe, what do you do? Typically, the vast majority of those who attend church and are convicted to tithe give ten percent of their material earnings (money, cash or check, etc.) to the church they attend. This is how the church institution is supported, when it’s members allow usually a tenth, give or take, to go to the operating expenses of the church, the salary of the elder/pastor, or to other chuch projects. Sometimes it is a gift to a mission organization, money that is turned into food, clothing, or shelter for those overseas. And this, friends, is considered our ‘tithe.’ This is the primary method that Christians use to ‘give to the Lord.’ When looking at passages such as Paul’s and Christ’s commands to give, freely, and with cheerful hearts, we have arrived at the conclusion in today’s church institutions that this means, the more money you give, the better you’re doing. The more generous you’re being. I find a few minor problems NOT with the giving itself, or with this method of giving. But I DO find them in the mindset that this is the primary way to give to God.
Let’s take a look at what the Scriptures mean in terms of giving, perhaps, for a little more clarification on my point. Note again, I hardly am condemning giving to the church, absolutely not! But I fear that many believe this is the fulfillment of their giving to God, when in fact, God might much prefer something else from us.
I believe a primary example first would be in the major passage in Scripture that discusses the giving and sharing of money for Christian people. Let’s take a look at 2nd Corinthians 8.
In this passage, Paul is discussing the current trials that the believers in Jerusalem are undergoing, in that while they are being persecuted, they are starving and without shelter and/or clothing, being cut off from the rest of the strictly Jewish society there. As a result, they are unable to work or associate with the Jews, and thus cannot acquire food or provide for themselves. The apostle Paul mentions this in 2nd Corinthians, and urges the believers of Corinth to give to their brothers in Jerusalem. Let’s read it in context:
“Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality. For a testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints.” - 2nd Corinthians 8:1-4
He goes on here to discuss this issue, and his reason for urging the Corinthians to give as well:
“I give my opinion in this matter, for this is to your advantage, who were the first to begin a year ago not only to do this, but also to desire to do it. But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability. For if the readiness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. For this is not for the ease of others for your affliction, but by way of equality – at this present time your abundance supplying their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality; as it is written, ‘He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little had no lack.’” - 2nd Corinthians 8:10-15
Now this is an interesting statement indeed! I notice some very frank points that are made in this statement by Paul, and I would see that here he is claiming blatantly:
1) What is more important than the giving itself, is the desire to give or the mindset of it.
2) This giving is not to be necessarily a complete sacrifice on our material part, but ‘by way of equality.’
Hmm, what could this mean? Firstly, the obvious opening point that Paul worries about, is that what is more important than the giving itself is the heart and mind behind it. Giving to the church/missions for personal reasons other than the duty of serving God with your material wealth, and peforming your duty to aid your Christian sisters and brothers, is not a godly mindset. Or rather, you would be surprised how many other reasons many of the church give what they do! Perhaps out of desire for personal status, a pride motivation. Or a grudging duty to God, only because you really should, not because you want to. It is better not to give at all, than to give grudgingly.
Secondly, this last point that Paul makes is...very profound. It almost sounds as though he is advocating communism! (No, he is not. By NO means does this Scripture, or any other, support Communism. Rest assured.) He says to give to your fellow Christians in their time of need, NOT “by way of their affliction,” that is, their loss for someone else’s gain. But rather, “by way of equality,” so that if they give while the needs of their brothers is current, than they, in turn, will help and give when it’s the other way around! How about that?
Also remember, this was in fact what made the church very special and quite a model for the Gentiles back in the early church days. The mark of the church was always known by the fact that they took care of each other, in a very dutiful manner. Elders saw to it that poor, weak, and helpless were fed and clothed. Christians by duty took care of widows and orphans in the church. And whenever a church has a serious need, churches in other locations would hurry to give to the needy church, which is exactly the point of this passage.
In other words, the early church didn’t just give for giving’s sake, or just to sacrifice to missions. It seriously worked like a large, almost business-like system, in which it was the duty of the believers to care for one another’s material needs when they had them. They were commanded to take care of their own. And not only did this function like a economic sub-system, with believers giving by way of equality, like a constant insurance company, but as Paul goes on to state, they had “the desire to do it.” This wasn’t something that was forced or required by any means, for “God loves a cheerful giver.” However these believers, and most of the early church, gladly took care of each other’s needs when those needs were dire, and in turn received help when their needs were too great. Interesting?
Before we go much further, it would be wise to mention: By no means is Paul advocating any use of socialism or Communism in this Scriptural passage. Many times, proponents of this system claim this passage as evidence for their way of life. Here, Paul is encouraging free giving among the members of the church when needs arise, on all sides. Whereas socialism is an economic system in which needs or no, equality is absolutely demanded. Furthermore, Communism is the construction of a ‘perfect’ economic system without allowing God into the equation. By no means is Paul supporting that!
This, brothers and sisters, is something I see greatly lacking in today’s church. Not only that, but it’s been replaced with this mindset of thinking that giving to God only entails supporting the local church institution, and/or giving to missions. Why this is fantastic, don’t get me wrong, I believe the church has largely forgotten this concept Paul mentions here in Corinthians, where believers take care of each other ‘by way of equality’ when needs arise. Like a massive insurance system, almost! In exchange for taking care of your needy brothers and sisters when they need it, you also will be taken care of, “by way of equality.”
My point then? I would encourage this: The next time that you seek to give your time, money, or effort to God, and before you give all of it to a far off mission, or to your local church, look around first! Is there anyone in your chuch family in need? Perhaps someone that could use help or needs funds to live on? Maybe a believing person or family near you that is going through trials or struggles? Give to them, and take care of your Christian family! Give some of your time or material to those believers around you that are struggling, now or later. “God loves a cheerful giver!”
As it was said before, God would rather you not give at all than feel forced or required to give. But the next time you want to apply your many blessings to further God’s Kingdom, seek to look out for the ones around you in trials! However, let’s go on to read what else Paul has to say about giving and taking care of our fellow believers in Christ:
“Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
- 2nd Corinthians 9:13-15
Even with all of this in mind, Paul concludes (some verses later, after more discussion in this subject) that when we do these things, God is glorified, and it even further proclaims our obedience to the Gospel of Christ, who truly is the greatest Giver of all time. When we imitate our Lord, who truly gave freely and not grudgingly, everything He was, and give freely of ourselves, we mirror God, and glorify His works and Name! Finally, Paul finishes with a focus on that gift, the gift of Christ. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” We may give and serve, but even all of that is nothing in comparision with the absoulutely incomprehendable gift of Christ! Blessed be His Name!
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” -2nd Corinthians 9:15
I don’t suppose you can recall the last time that you gave to your church? Last Sunday, perhaps? Or perhaps give some money to a local, regional, or national mission? But even more importantly: When was the last time you spent some of your valuable time or money on a brother or sister in Christ that was in need? When was the last time you helped the orphans and widows?
The importance of Christian giving canot be overstated. All throughout the Scriptures, we are not only encouraged, but required to give and with a cheerful heart! Christian giving, be it with your material wealth, or with your time, effort and resources, is a vital part not only of the Christian life, but it is what makes the church unique in many aspects. Since our church is built on the truth that Christ’s blood is a free gift to us, how much more should we then be willing to give to others, and meet the needs of those around us?
Giving and sacrificing time, wealth, and effort for the sake of the church is found everywhere in the New Testament. For example, read James 1:27:
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God and Father is this: to help widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Here James is informing us of the sheer importance of living out our faith and grace by taking action, and by doing good. “Faith without works is dead,” and this is certainly true in the area of how we dedicate our resources to the Lord. Here James is saying specifically that an aspect of real, true faithful service before God is aiding those who cannot freely provide for themselves, the widows and orphans. Also he mentions the importance of keeping from worldliness. This is no encouragement, my friends; this is a pretty blunt and direct statement about the truth of our faith!
Another aspect of Christian care for one another is the known story that Christ Himself says, in Matthew 5:41-42:
“Whoever forces you to go with him one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.”
Christ Himself commands us that we are required to give time, service, and resources to those who ask of us! Now, this is important, Christ does not mean to just give to absolutely anyone who asks of you: This is in the context of a legitimate need. However, if we find someone who has a real need and asks for help, we are not just encouraged, but commanded by Christ to fulfill and provide for the needs (note again, the needs, not the wants) of those who ask for help!
However, that being said, there are some common misconceptions and misunderstandings about exactly what the Bible speaks of in the way of tithing, giving, and sacrificing resoures and/or time to the Lord or the church. This is mainly the subject here: I’m certainly sure that most of you have run into several problems with this today in our modern, contemporary church. Taking these Scriptures and other similar doctrines, many churches today preach messages on the importance of giving to the church, the rewards that God returns to us when we give freely to God’s work, or even claiming that God rewards those who follow Him with wealth and generosity.
Frankly put, most of these are lies.
Here are some examples of messages in which certain false teachers of our day use these Christian principles to ask for money, or resources on behalf of God, who use it for themselves. Also, some underlying lies regarding their doctrine are apparent:
(insert videos here)
What then is the problem with the teaching of these individuals? Are they not preaching to some extent, the truths of Scripture and Christian love and giving? Are they not encouraging one of the fundamental aspects of Christianity?
Absolutely not.
Here is a common misconception about Christian giving: That if you give material wealth to God (putting aside whether or not this wealth is really going to God’s work or not), He is required and has promised in Scripture to give even more back to you. This is an outright lie. Some of the passages that these teachers use in order to promote the mass giving of money to a church-based organization are:
Luke 6:38:
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
This, or similar passages in Christ’s words, are usually the passages mentioned, Scriptures about how when you give, God will give back to you. However, what’s missing is the context. Let’s read the entire passage in context:
“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to the ungrateful and evil. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Do not judge, and you will not be judged, and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Pardon, and you will be pardoned. Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” -Luke 6:35-38
Note here the context: Is money mentioned as the type of giving here? Perhaps, in verse 35, but even then note it says ‘and expect nothing in return.’ Furthermore, the context indicates the discussion of forgiveness, not material wealth! Even where material wealth is mentioned, we are asked to expect nothing in return. This is merely one example of abused passages which some people claim point to God’s promise to reward those who give in terms of wealth. Make no mistake, nowhere does God promise wealth to anyone, under any circumstances. Search and find out for yourself. If anything, Scripture condemns the wealthy, and looks down upon the desire for material things (1st Timothy 6:10, 1st John 2:16, James 5:1-3).
Now, naturally you ask: “So are you claiming then that it is wrong to seek money/wealth?” By no means, absoulutely not. Honest gain and accumulating for yourself (as long as it is honest) is certainly no sin. Merely, when the desire for money overrides the desire to do God’s will, or to use God as a means for money, then it becomes evil. Thus, the passage of 1st Timothy. However…this is an entirely different discussion in itself.
That being said, then, you ask, “Very well then…so we should give without expecting any in return? Is that the point you’re trying to make Alex?” Well to an extent yes, but I believe that also, in today’s chuch, the method that we use to ‘give to God’ is also not quite what Paul meant when he asked us to give with cheerful hearts, or what was meant when the Old Testament fathers set aside a tenth of their gain to the Lord.
And here is what I mean: Today, when you tithe, what do you do? Typically, the vast majority of those who attend church and are convicted to tithe give ten percent of their material earnings (money, cash or check, etc.) to the church they attend. This is how the church institution is supported, when it’s members allow usually a tenth, give or take, to go to the operating expenses of the church, the salary of the elder/pastor, or to other chuch projects. Sometimes it is a gift to a mission organization, money that is turned into food, clothing, or shelter for those overseas. And this, friends, is considered our ‘tithe.’ This is the primary method that Christians use to ‘give to the Lord.’ When looking at passages such as Paul’s and Christ’s commands to give, freely, and with cheerful hearts, we have arrived at the conclusion in today’s church institutions that this means, the more money you give, the better you’re doing. The more generous you’re being. I find a few minor problems NOT with the giving itself, or with this method of giving. But I DO find them in the mindset that this is the primary way to give to God.
Let’s take a look at what the Scriptures mean in terms of giving, perhaps, for a little more clarification on my point. Note again, I hardly am condemning giving to the church, absolutely not! But I fear that many believe this is the fulfillment of their giving to God, when in fact, God might much prefer something else from us.
I believe a primary example first would be in the major passage in Scripture that discusses the giving and sharing of money for Christian people. Let’s take a look at 2nd Corinthians 8.
In this passage, Paul is discussing the current trials that the believers in Jerusalem are undergoing, in that while they are being persecuted, they are starving and without shelter and/or clothing, being cut off from the rest of the strictly Jewish society there. As a result, they are unable to work or associate with the Jews, and thus cannot acquire food or provide for themselves. The apostle Paul mentions this in 2nd Corinthians, and urges the believers of Corinth to give to their brothers in Jerusalem. Let’s read it in context:
“Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia, that in great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality. For a testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints.” - 2nd Corinthians 8:1-4
He goes on here to discuss this issue, and his reason for urging the Corinthians to give as well:
“I give my opinion in this matter, for this is to your advantage, who were the first to begin a year ago not only to do this, but also to desire to do it. But now finish doing it also, so that just as there was the readiness to desire it, so there may be also the completion of it by your ability. For if the readiness is present, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have. For this is not for the ease of others for your affliction, but by way of equality – at this present time your abundance supplying their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality; as it is written, ‘He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little had no lack.’” - 2nd Corinthians 8:10-15
Now this is an interesting statement indeed! I notice some very frank points that are made in this statement by Paul, and I would see that here he is claiming blatantly:
1) What is more important than the giving itself, is the desire to give or the mindset of it.
2) This giving is not to be necessarily a complete sacrifice on our material part, but ‘by way of equality.’
Hmm, what could this mean? Firstly, the obvious opening point that Paul worries about, is that what is more important than the giving itself is the heart and mind behind it. Giving to the church/missions for personal reasons other than the duty of serving God with your material wealth, and peforming your duty to aid your Christian sisters and brothers, is not a godly mindset. Or rather, you would be surprised how many other reasons many of the church give what they do! Perhaps out of desire for personal status, a pride motivation. Or a grudging duty to God, only because you really should, not because you want to. It is better not to give at all, than to give grudgingly.
Secondly, this last point that Paul makes is...very profound. It almost sounds as though he is advocating communism! (No, he is not. By NO means does this Scripture, or any other, support Communism. Rest assured.) He says to give to your fellow Christians in their time of need, NOT “by way of their affliction,” that is, their loss for someone else’s gain. But rather, “by way of equality,” so that if they give while the needs of their brothers is current, than they, in turn, will help and give when it’s the other way around! How about that?
Also remember, this was in fact what made the church very special and quite a model for the Gentiles back in the early church days. The mark of the church was always known by the fact that they took care of each other, in a very dutiful manner. Elders saw to it that poor, weak, and helpless were fed and clothed. Christians by duty took care of widows and orphans in the church. And whenever a church has a serious need, churches in other locations would hurry to give to the needy church, which is exactly the point of this passage.
In other words, the early church didn’t just give for giving’s sake, or just to sacrifice to missions. It seriously worked like a large, almost business-like system, in which it was the duty of the believers to care for one another’s material needs when they had them. They were commanded to take care of their own. And not only did this function like a economic sub-system, with believers giving by way of equality, like a constant insurance company, but as Paul goes on to state, they had “the desire to do it.” This wasn’t something that was forced or required by any means, for “God loves a cheerful giver.” However these believers, and most of the early church, gladly took care of each other’s needs when those needs were dire, and in turn received help when their needs were too great. Interesting?
Before we go much further, it would be wise to mention: By no means is Paul advocating any use of socialism or Communism in this Scriptural passage. Many times, proponents of this system claim this passage as evidence for their way of life. Here, Paul is encouraging free giving among the members of the church when needs arise, on all sides. Whereas socialism is an economic system in which needs or no, equality is absolutely demanded. Furthermore, Communism is the construction of a ‘perfect’ economic system without allowing God into the equation. By no means is Paul supporting that!
This, brothers and sisters, is something I see greatly lacking in today’s church. Not only that, but it’s been replaced with this mindset of thinking that giving to God only entails supporting the local church institution, and/or giving to missions. Why this is fantastic, don’t get me wrong, I believe the church has largely forgotten this concept Paul mentions here in Corinthians, where believers take care of each other ‘by way of equality’ when needs arise. Like a massive insurance system, almost! In exchange for taking care of your needy brothers and sisters when they need it, you also will be taken care of, “by way of equality.”
My point then? I would encourage this: The next time that you seek to give your time, money, or effort to God, and before you give all of it to a far off mission, or to your local church, look around first! Is there anyone in your chuch family in need? Perhaps someone that could use help or needs funds to live on? Maybe a believing person or family near you that is going through trials or struggles? Give to them, and take care of your Christian family! Give some of your time or material to those believers around you that are struggling, now or later. “God loves a cheerful giver!”
As it was said before, God would rather you not give at all than feel forced or required to give. But the next time you want to apply your many blessings to further God’s Kingdom, seek to look out for the ones around you in trials! However, let’s go on to read what else Paul has to say about giving and taking care of our fellow believers in Christ:
“Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!”
- 2nd Corinthians 9:13-15
Even with all of this in mind, Paul concludes (some verses later, after more discussion in this subject) that when we do these things, God is glorified, and it even further proclaims our obedience to the Gospel of Christ, who truly is the greatest Giver of all time. When we imitate our Lord, who truly gave freely and not grudgingly, everything He was, and give freely of ourselves, we mirror God, and glorify His works and Name! Finally, Paul finishes with a focus on that gift, the gift of Christ. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” We may give and serve, but even all of that is nothing in comparision with the absoulutely incomprehendable gift of Christ! Blessed be His Name!
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